Sunday, May 3, 2009

The best place in Seattle

... so far, at least. I have found the most beautiful gardens, and they're within 10 minutes of my house. It's Kubota Garden, a privately created but city-owned park. I bought some plants at their plant sale yesterday, but it was raining so I didn't explore the gardens. Since it was nice today, I went back. What a show. It is a Japanese American garden that started construction in 1927, including building a mountain, complete with waterfall, for the World's Fair in 1962, which is when the garden was considered "complete." There were a few additions after that, though.
There were bridges ...

Interesting sculptural features ...

Traditional way of keeping trees behaved ...

Interesting plants ...

And a few other things I thought were neat ...

A hole in the hedge giving a preview of the gardens.

Some kids getting their picture taken in traditional garb.

One of the many, many ponds.

From atop the mountain, with waterfall streaming down.

That's a duck.
If anybody wants to take a look at this place, I want to go again ... especially once my good camera gets back from the repair shop. This place is amazing.

1 comment:

Tawny & Ryan said...

I'll totally go with you!