Monday, May 25, 2009

More museums, not so many pictures

Stinkin' museum policy of "not taking pictures." Pshaw.
On Wednesday I went to Wing Luke Asian Museum, which was a beautiful space with some thought-provoking installations. They let you take pictures, but the only thing that really struck me as needing to have a picture taken was this, the whispering corridor (or something like that):
Then I went to the Henry Art Gallery on the UW campus. It was a rather stark museum, and to make it worse it was setting up for a Master's exhibit that was going to open in a couple of days. I didn't get to see much but there is a permanent installation of this, which was really neat: 

I then went to MOHAI (Museum of History and Industry), and while photos weren't allowed, it was fun to go through the history of Seattle via photographs, archives and large historical icons. It's a keeper.

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