Friday, July 17, 2009

Trip over I-90

I took off on a 16-mile bike ride yesterday, with the intent to go from my house, OVER I-90 (I just found out you could do that), then up Beacon Hill and back down to home. It wasn't a terribly long ride, but it was hilly and H.O.T.
That shore in the background? That's my goal.
Standing above I-90. The westbound lanes were closed. Odd.
Sign that greets you as you enter Seattle. I got to see it close-up.
Exiting the bike tunnel that goes above the I-90 traffic.
One of the sidewalk embellishments. Vampires, anyone?
Biking right ON I-90, almost. Crazy.
A cool pagoda, and our very parched land.
Detail of the pagoda.
A Monopoly-themed art installation?
After that I was too tired/in too much traffic to take pictures. The rest of the trip involved a picnic, so it was good, just not picturesque, I guess!

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